Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympic Mascots

Unsurprisingly, I like the track one best.

Just so you know, it's going to be all track, all the time here at Hipster Nascar for the next week or so while the Olympic track cycling events are in the offing. I'll be getting up at 4am Caracas time all next weekend, in the vain hope that one of the channels here will be showing the track racing, so I should have live updates of results here. Then, after the track events are over, we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming of undemanding rubbish!


Blim said...

If it's not being shown on TV, NBC has put together a terrific website that's streaming all the events live in very high quality fast streaming video.

Simon said...

Cool, thanks for the heads-up.

bagsintrees said...

the mascot is turning right!?

Simon said...

Oh. You're right, well spotted. That's weird.

El Duke said...

I like 'em all. Looking forward to all the cycling events.

Too bad I have no DVR. :(

messedup said...

Another option for straming is
They seek out streams for all cycling events, and it's all free!

I do have a dvr... and it's already programmed... yay!