Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pepper Spray For Cyclists

This is probably the strangest "cycling specific" product I've ever seen. Competitive Cyclist is marketing the Kimber PepperBlaster as pepper spray for cyclists. Not, like, for use against cyclists, but for use by cyclists, against angry drivers, for example. Alrighty then! If you feel the need to carry some of this in your jersey pocket at your next training ride, get it here.


Anonymous said...

i guess this is one of the must unneeded products ever? way to go, on helping to make matters worse between cars and bicycles, kimber.

Unknown said...

My guess is that thing is mostly intended for use on dogs that chase you while cycling.

Much more frequent of an event outside of the city.

Unknown said...

...or a group of 13 year old gang-banging wannabes taking their rites-of-passage.

Much more frequent of an event in the city.

iamameatpopsicle said...

well, competitive cyclist seems to think this is intended for use against drivers. that was quite a diatribe.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping this would be like a Clif Shot.

"It doesn't slow him down, it makes him angry!"

Gary said...

After my recent incident, in which I was physically grabbed by a passenger in a car while riding, I've been thinking a lot about arming my self with some form of self defense. It can get nasty out there. What I really want though is to set up a camera with time lapse that can record the license plate of every car that passes me.

Anonymous said...

I see a potential new variation of biathlon with bikes, pepper spray, & cardboard cut-outs of dogs. Count me in.

Samuel Critwick said...

is this the carbon fiber version of ulock justice? that rant about guns was not so awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it provides for a level comfort for folks who commute by bike alone in the dark in cities across America. I would consider this as a gift for my girlfriend because I worry about her riding alone in the dark.

However, I wonder how I can spray it through a windshield at cars that go 40+ mph about and inch from me and not crash into shit at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Two words - Ruger LCP

Simon said...

Technically, that's one word and one abbreviation. But, you know, whatever, you're the one with the gun.