Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh man, this is gonna be good...

If "Blonde Ambition" didn't scratch your itch for a major motion picture with messengers, Columbia Pictures has a treat in store for you. According to a couple online movie sources, David Koepp (Jurassic Park, Mission Impossible, Spiderman, etc) is working on a big budget NYC bike messenger action movie.

'Premium Rush' follows a courier who picks up an envelope at Columbia University ("premium rush" referring to the type of delivery service, we're sure, and not, say, caffeine jitters). A dirty cop who's desperate to get his hands on the envelope is in hot pursuit of our hardworking hero, delivering chase sequences to rival 'The French Connection,' Variety reports.

Hmmm. Sounds riveting.

No word as to whether or not the soundtrack will be scored by Geddy Lee...

Thanks to Sage Brown for the heads up!


Anonymous said...

Premium Rush? If that implies the run speed then the movie should be 30 minutes or less.

Aaron said...

One can only hope...

iamameatpopsicle said...

premium rush to video

thrashin said...

Anyone ever heard of Quicksilver?