This is going to be huge! A series of Monday night roller races in Chicago during December, with insane prizes and equally insane levels of drunkenness. How do you win those prizes? You post the fastest time, male and female, of the entire series and you will win the series. There will be nightly prizes also, so you don't have to come to all three nights to win something. Any profits made will be donated to the Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund. This is the perfect antidote to the freezing, bonechilling cold that is Chicago's lot during the winter, so get yourself down to the Cobra Lounge, 235 N. Ashland, in December and SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!
Just to clarify: The overall prize is awarded by time, so you theoretically could win the whole shebang by only racing once, if you raced really fast.
And P.A.C. Designs is helping us out with some bags.
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