Monday, August 24, 2009

Cuttin' Crew Classic Details

Friday, August 28th, 8:00pm - alleycat starting at CAL'S: 400 S Wells. Points for participation, primes at every checkpoint, and top three M/F. (Points carry across to Saturday). After-party at the Clipper: 1002 N California.

Saturday, August 29th, 11am - 1pm Registration at The Blue Frog: 676 N. LaSalle (be on time or you'll miss the start). 1pm - 5pm Cuttin' Crew Classic including: three manifests, super checkpoints, photo hunt, poker race, cargo race, and Uptop Delivery Presents Trials 2K9.

7pm - 2am Four Star Courier Presents Messenger Prom at the Cobra Lounge: 235 N. Ashland No pre-sale tickets, show up early and stay late!

Sunday, August 30th, 2pm - 4pm: Team Time Trial to the Touhy Tower of Terror, meet at Humboldt Park near the lagoon. Three person teams, last wheel across the line sets the time. The route is to 6300 W. Touhy and back. (team photo must be taken before return trip)

Friday $5, Saturday $10 (discount for prom given to racers), Sunday $10 per team

OPEN TO ALL RIDERS-track/road, mess/non-mess.

This will be the highlight of your summer. Don't miss it.

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