Saturday, May 2, 2009

H Plus Son Site

Took you long enough, Tzusing! Just kidding, the site looks great. The H Plus Son site is now live here.


jack campbell said...

What ever happened with that exploding HplusSon? Did they fix the problem or was it an isolated incident?

Tzusing said...

It is safe to say that it was an isolated incident because after selling 6000 rims, it was the only one we received an email about. And we have since warrantied the customer with a replacement.

jack campbell said...

Awesome, thanks mate(Will get a pair when I can afford).

Tyler said...

Hplusson zai suzhou ma? wo kan ni de dian hua hao ma... zhe shi su zhou de. dui ma? wo xia ci zai su zhou zhao dao ni.

Tyler, Seattle