Friday, February 19, 2010

Oh dear god...

Look- I'm all for over-the-top, especially when it comes to some bike stuff. But this is just ridiculous:
This guy up in Alaska and has a pretty crazy custom Moots Pugsley bike.

He apparently was having some issues with snow building up on this oversized rims, so his solution was to take a new Zipp Super-9 disc and cut in in half for some wheel covers (!).

So, so, so painful!
Did he not know that there's a better way?

(Photo: Squid/cyclehawk)

Thanks to Cale for making me cringe!


Simon said...

That's insane.

Josh said...


oh yeah, and whatever bike stuff was talked about...

Alan said...

he shaved 40 seconds off his 40k snow trek... but still wtf

chinkone said...


Tzusing said...

bwahhaha. cool beans guy.