Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tour Infographs

Amazing set of information graphics done by Chicago's own Jerome Daksiewicz

Really nice stuff.

More here.

Again, spotted by Andrew on Chifg, via bikehugger

Jerome was kind enough to add some hi-res version here. Thanks Jerome!


Anonymous said...

are there bigger version's available anywhere? the text on the first two is near impossible to read.

Paul May said...

Lovely stuff; infographics that are actually legible, useful and good looking. Any idea if you can get them high-res or buy them?

Aaron said...

His website has some slightly higher res versions which can be seen here:

I emailed to see if I can track down some bigger versions though.

Jerome Daksiewicz said...

Thanks for the comments, I have put some higher res graphics on the site. They are natively set up for large poster size so the text is still quite small.
I have gotten a bit of interest in posters so I will look into some prints.

iamameatpopsicle said...

i would definitely be interested in prints of this. excellent work Jerome!

Aaron said...

As would I. Please keep us updated Jerome!