Thursday, May 15, 2008

Theo Bos' Helmet

The Casco Attack. Limited Edition. It has a hand sewn leather interior, and a hand riveted aluminium frame. Probably only available in Europe, where it costs €230, or about $355. Ouch.

Here's how it's described on the Casco webpage: Der Attack ist eine puristische Interpretation der Rennsporttradition. Die handgenähte Echtleder-Innenausstattung, sowie der handgenieteter Aluminiumrahmen unterstreichen den außergewöhnlichen wie exklusiven Charakter. In limitierter Auflage erhältlich.

Now, I don't speak German, but I'm pretty sure that translates as "badass."


jmgorman said...

Looks like someone has one of these in Chicago

Simon said...

Wow, you're right... I wonder where he got it from?

Anonymous said...

My friend has one here in Denver, loves it.

Unknown said...

I'd say that mine saved my life...

Anonymous said...

I will try to translate the german description (but don't laugh on me - my english isn't good, although I hope it's better than babelfish):

The Attack is a puristic interpretation of racing tradition. Its hand-sewn interior trim made of real leather and the hand-riveted aluminium frame bring out its exceptional and selected complexion. Available in a limited edition.