Friday, December 5, 2008

CMWC 2009 Tokyo

Dispatch101 reminded me:

Cycle Messenger World Championships 2009, Tokyo. Details will eventually be here. Hmm... I might actually make it to this...


Anonymous said...

it's interesting to see how fast some things move around all the bikes blogs and some things move around slowly. I posted about this in October, Moving T reposted, dispatch reposed from there, now in December HN reposts from them.
Anyway, I look at this site often.
Have a good day and I'll see you in Toyko.

doug said...

some news travels fast and some travels slow...the important, is that it travels. thanks for the link simon...i owe you a beamish...ha!

im seriously gonna save...don't care if jess is knocked up or coming...hahahahahaha!!

Simon said...

If you're up for it,, then I definitely am. Let's do this.

Anonymous said...

hey, can any of you guys tell me what all of you wannabee bikemessengers are going to do at a bikemessenger event?

Anonymous said...

and look like a messenger...