Tuesday, September 2, 2008

NACCC Madness

Okay. Here it is. The NACCCs were mental. I'm still in pieces. I got sunburned to within an inch of my life, and my liver may never recover. Consequently, I'm not really up to writing a big report. Instead, you should head over to Dispatch101 and read Julio's race and event reports. I will say this though, the NACCCs were a huge success. Props to Augie and all the organizers for putting on an incredible weekend of racing, partying, and partying. The main race was amazing, on a crazy double-loop course, some of which resembled a giant pothole, and all of which demanded an insane amount of skill and power.

Powering in. Saw lots of pedal strike but no wrecks on this corner. Messengers got skills

Racers making their picks and drops at one of the checkpoints.

The start of one of the qualifying heats. 300 racers were cut down to 50 by the end of the first day.

Julio rocking it out. Check out his report here.

One of the heat groups approacing the first corner.

Chas, killing it in quals. So fast.

Heading to a checkpoint. The route is about to get rough. Really rough.

Sharkey from Portland, I think. This dude is tough as nails. He flatted twice and still qualified.

Chicago Cuttin' Crew riders Brynn, Adam and Stan studying the manifest before starting out.

Damien from PDX, navigating the corners one-handed, at speed.

Stanley "Crazy Eyes" Schultz, riding like a man posessed. He came 1st non-messenger. Get it, son!

The manifest in the mouth was a common tactic. Phillip SixtySix from Kansas City, MO.

Final results for the top 20 places. Austin from NY beat Fergus from SF by less than 6 seconds. Damn. Kym from NY got 1st female messenger. Stan from Chicago got 1st non-messenger.

The trackstand comp.

The Chicago NACCC Bike Polo Championships were huge in their own right.

Chicago's Simon Lach des-troy-ing everyone at the skids. He went so far he skidded out of the park and into traffic. Way to suck at stopping, White Simon!

1st Female Skid champ bag from the always awesome Seagull Bags.

The crowd.

All in all, it was a great weekend. It was great to see so many people out enjoying the races and having fun, and I think the organizers did a great job welcoming people from all over to Chicago. Check out the full results on the NACCC page, read Julio's report on the Dispatch101 page, and check out more photos on Flickr.


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the photo of "Fergus" is actually Chas and the photo with the caption: "Navigating the corners one-handed, at speed." is Damien from PDX (he's got a nick, I think, but I know him as Damien).

great photos!

Simon said...

Haha! Thanks for the help, man. I just fired my factcheckers.

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of me with a clipboard/manifest between
my teeth.
Phillip SixtySix
Kansas City, MO