Friday, September 18, 2009

So it's come to this...

Finally a solution to that age old "how to carry coffee and ride a $5,000 track bike" problem:

Available from Chari & Co.


Nick! said...


People ride those LOOKs on the street?


Roderick De Jesus said...

soma's had one for awhile now actually.

Simon said...

Every time that guy hits a bump, an ejaculation of hot coffee spurts out of the top...

sau said...

if I buy the cup-holder will I receive the bicycle as a recession package deal?

Unknown said...

A zipp disc in the rear and god only knows what's up front. Looks deep and carbon.

Unless I'm the one making them, I really hate jokes like this...

Simon said...

They're Zipp 404s, and before anyone gets too upset, I'm pretty sure the "Look on the street" thing is a joke.

Josh said...

are those real corduroys? yeesh...

Alan Sikirić said...

I seen that guy riding his LOOK tarck last weekend at the NYC bike jumble- So funny!

jenna said...

why do i need a cup holder? I ride one handed downtown every morning with my americano and not a spill yet. plus ir gives me something to think about throwing at cabbies

Anonymous said...

Go slow, don't spill.