Friday, September 5, 2008

LA Fixed Shirt

From smeeze, the same people who brought you the Chicago Fixed shirt, comes the LA Fixed shirt. I like the continuation of the sports theme. Limited edition. Pick 'em up here.


Anonymous said...

these shirts are illegal, copyright infringements, the wrong colors, and lame design. fixed what? was something broken?

was that offensive?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

laaaaaaaaame. nice try douchebag.

Simon said...

Wow, people certainly did get worked up about a t-shirt design.

Anonymous said...

he's charging $30 per shirt, what a rip. it's ugly to boot!

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles Fixed does not condone theft of any kind, especially not bicycles.

Anonymous said...

"Attention potential buyers of this shirt.

The above pictured item is a bootlegged Los Angeles Fixed t-shirt. This is an unapproved design and the company Smeeze does not have the explicit permission from the owner of Los Angeles Fixed to produce nor sell these shirts.

Smeeze neither asked for permission nor made an offer to collaborate with Los Angeles Fixed on these shirts.

Smeeze, it's cool if you want to rep LA from Chi-Town, Love all around. But don't take some played out sports rip off graphic, affix someone else's name to it and try sell it for without getting permission, or giving back to the people you're essentially capitalizing off of.

Great example of unethical business practice and blatant profiteering."

Simon said...

I can't speak for smeeze, but I don't think this shirt is an attempt to represent the message board, but a shirt for the LA fixed scene in general. I dunno. Seems like you guys are taking a shirt a little seriously. But, whatevs.

Anonymous said...

eh... i don't know how seriously it's being taken. there is a lot of truth to these arguments.

you just said you can't speak for smeeze, and then went on to say you "don't think" that the intention is this or that. why don't you find out some info before you start making assumptions. otherwise, it sounds like you're speaking for smeeze, which you clearly stated you could't. start paying attention.

and listen, i like turning some coin off of the new quick fads just as much as the next capitalist pig, but there are boundaries. and this company smeeze crosses those boundaries.

Anonymous said...

This ain't legit. Busters!

Anonymous said...

that is one nasty looking Illustrator job, bike looks like it's made of legos with pong style handbars.

Please note: if you buy this shirt you will get clowned.

Simon said...

I wasn't making assumptions (the taking of anything for granted as the basis of argument or action) I was speculating (to engage in thought or reflection, esp. of a conjectural or theoretical nature, on or upon a subject). Hence, when I said "I think" and when I said "I can't speak for" I was making it clear that I was merely speculating about the shirt, giving my own opinion about it, and not making any kind of categorical statement about the character of the shirt. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

People are free to like/love/dislike/hate anything that I post about. But arguing about the validity or legality of a design with me is pointless, because I'm just the messenger.

Carry on.