Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ciöcc Mockba '80

I saw this over at Prolly's: the Ciöcc Mockba '80, a reissue of the Ciöcc steel track frame made for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. So nice. Look at those clearances! I'm glad to see a frame maker like Ciöcc get in on the vintage game, like Selle San Marco did with its reissued saddle line. Alex over at StraightChain has a funny story about how the founders of Colnago, Ciöcc, De Rosa and Pinarello were friends and played cards together, which explains why some of these companies have card suits as their logos. Apocryphal? Probally. But a nice story, nonetheless. I'm looking forward to seeing how the fake bike blogs handle a name like Ciöcc, seeing as they can't even spell Cinelli UnicaNItor right. Ha!


George said...

hello simon. Ive got a choach and i love it. Bit of trivia from the wikipedia entry: it might be possible that the word ciocc is slang for "poker face."

Simon said...

Haha, good work on the correct pronunciation, George! Reminds me of that .wav file from a few years back, where an Italian guy read out all the names of Italian frame and component makers so people would know how to pronounce them properly. Thanks for the info, too. I think Alex over at StraightChain mentioned the same thing about "poker face."

FGC said...

The original Cioccs were built by Giovanni Pelizzoli, whose nick name was Ciocc. Ciocc means "poker faced" in italian slang. Pelizzoli builds bikes for GOrilla now.